Read our FAQ for general and technical information about BTAC for Android.
- Open Map View to ID Contact Location 🎥
- Set BTAC Online 🎥
- How to access the menu button on Samsung Galaxy S5?
- How do I uninstall or reinstall BTAC?
- How do I know if a BTAC Update is available?
- How do I Upgrade BTAC?
- How do I exit out of BTAC?
- How do I enable XPRES in BTAC?
- How do I change the XPRES Interval in BTAC?
- BTAC is reporting an inaccurate location. What is causing this?
- The location that BTAC reports is 1,000 feet off from where I really am. What is causing this?
- Recordings stopping every ten minutes or so then not showing in WebListener?
- How do I manually cycle WiFi?